Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Global warming advertisements

Where were all the global warming advertisements, where was all of the global warming stuff during the campaign? Did you notice it just mysteriously disappeared during the campaign? Why is that, do you suppose? Maybe, oh, I don't know, because they know people don't buy into it? That they know it is -- I'm sorry. Yes, it's me, the Holocaust denier. Holocaust, what Holocaust? Holocaust schmolocaust. Yes. We know that it's a bunch of bullcrap. How do we know it? Because we've engaged in something I like to call common sense. Just when you get really down and you say, "There's not a single person on Earth that gets it anymore," know that, yes, Americans know the global warming thing is a scam. "When we stop the assault on our Earth, when will we -- "gosh darn it, I've been holding the temperature gauge upside -- the paper, I had it upside down. I'm sorry. Oh, jeez. Wow, it's actually the coldest year of the decade. I thought it was the warmest there. It's weird how all of Al Gore's spending of several hundred million dollars on a mass campaign of convincing you that global warming is real has resulted in less than 20% of the American people who actually agree with him. Think of this. Think of the propaganda: Less than 20%.
Let me ask you this: Is it possible that the Earth forgot to show up at Live Earth? Because it looks like the Earth doesn't even agree with global warming. Is it possible the climate didn't hear Madonna when she instructed people to jump up and down for the climate? Is that possible? Is it possible that maybe people like me are not going to be able to say these things on the radio very much longer?
The cooling in 2008 is equal to 20% of all of the warming of the last 100 years as compared to the rest of this decade. What does that mean? Does it mean anything? Of course not, Holocaust denier! Jeez, what's wrong with you people? The relatively chilly temperatures compared with the recent years are not evidence that global warming is slowing. However, say climate scientists at the Met office, absolutely not, it's not evidence that anything is happening, this according to Dr. Peter Stott, the manager of Understanding and Attributing Climate Change at the Met office Hadley Centre. Manager of Understanding and Attributing Climate Change at the Met office, Hadley Centre, does that even fit on a business card?
"The scientists go on to claim that the relatively chilly temperatures compared with recent years are not evidence that global warming is slowing." That's absolutely true. Cooling isn't evidence of warming slowing down. It's evidence of cooling. Just thought I'd throw that out there. And by the way, this isn't just one year. The warmest year on record was 1998. I believe five years, five years before Al Gore got his movie out. The warmest year on record was 1998. We've been cooling now since 2000, or if you want to be pessimistic, since 2001. Yet, have you heard that from the global warming crowd? No. What you'll hear is that cooling is not evidence that global warming is slowing. But they go on in an attempt to prove their point, and I love this. In March a team of climate scientists at Kiel University predicted that natural variation would mask the .3 degrees Celsius warming predicted by the intergovernmental panel on climate change over the next decade. They said that global temperatures would remain constant until 2015 but then they would begin to accelerate.
All right, let's see. Well, first of all, they are not remaining constant because they are going down. So you are wrong there. But I'm trying to get my arms around this "Natural variation would mask the warming thing." Let me see, because I'm an alcoholic, I speak bullcrap fluently. Let me see if I can translate that from bullcrap to English. They're saying that cooling will mask the warming. Cooling will mask the warming. See if I have this right. I mean, I'm not a scientist, but I'm a thinker, and help me out. So, if cooling is masking warming, then wouldn't it just be cooling?

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