Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Okay. So this was the revolution but it was the revolution of the other side. The Democrats have now been fully coopted by the left. There is half of the nation that has moved to the socialist left. That's a bad thing. But the good thing is that now it is the right's turn to find out who they are. The reason why Obama has 62 million, that's not an insurmountable number. The reason why it's 62 million is because the left didn't have -- I mean, sorry. The right didn't have their stuff together. We don't even know who we are. And it's pretty hard to do. It's pretty hard to do when you've got a bunch of leaders in your own party that are pulling against each other. It is time for the voice of the American people, the voice of the conservatives to be heard. You are going to get a lot of pressure. You are going to have a lot of people saying, "No, no, no, we've got to move farther left, we've got to move farther left." No, we don't. No, we don't. That is exactly the move that the Republicans made with FDR and that's what gave the United States of America a 40-year lock on congress with the Democrats because the Me Too Republicans showed up.
Listen to what we're up against but listen to the reason why Obama -- when everybody says, "Oh, well, Obama won; it was a mandate." He won. He won resoundingly in the electoral college. But 55 million people rejected the redistribution handout politics of Obama. Obama won. Let's give him credit. Ran the most effective, most expensive political machine ever. But in order to win, look what it took. First Obama had to break one of his very first campaign promises to limit financing to $84 million. Instead he had to raise over $650 million. We don't know yet how many -- and we may never -- how much of that came from illegal donations. John McCain's campaign was limited to $84 million and many states he was outspent 5:1, and it was this close. And remember John McCain was one of the worst presidential candidates conservatives could have ever fielded. Not only was McCain outspent, Obama's unpaid television coverage was overwhelmingly positive. On the three network evening newscasts, 65% positive for Obama/Biden while coverage of McCain/Palin was 36%. And even though television companies readily accepted McCain's cash to air his campaign commercials, they didn't like the message. Between the end of the primaries and the end of October, network news broadcast 84 stories criticizing McCain ads and 32% had a negative tone towards Obama. Late night comedians targeted McCain/Palin for jokes, jabs, putdowns seven times more than Barack Obama and Joe Biden. Remember that to get elected, Obama had to publicly repudiate all of his past positions or at least give lip service on guns, abortion, illegal immigration, school vouchers. At least verbally Obama had to move to the center to these issues, on these issues to win. More proof that we are not the country of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. More proof. How many people say he's going to govern from the center, not from the left? I'm not saying that he would change how he feels on these issues or even how he'll vote on them or how he will act as a President but like Bill Clinton, he had to at least talk like a conservative during the campaign. Obama was the media candidate. He appeared on over 50 magazine covers. He was on the front cover of time over six times. What was the last magazine cover you saw John McCain on? Oh, I remember. It was the one where they had the photographer shoot him in bad light, intentionally make him look evil. Oh, and I remember Palin. The last one I saw was, oh, yeah, the one that wasn't air brushed and intentionally overexposed and cropped in so you could see every pore and flaw in her face.
Remember that John McCain was also not the choice of conservatives. He was the vote that was split between Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee. That is the only reason he was the candidate. The base was not enthusiastic about McCain. 26% said they were excited to vote for him. 26% said they were excited to vote for him. 39% said they were voting for him as the lesser of two evils. I told you ever since I started in America we don't elect people that we're voting against someone else by voting for them. You win by voting for one-someone. Among Obama supporters, 52% were excite to do vote for him. Only 14%, they were voting for him as the lesser of two evils. John McCain, not the standard bearer of conservative principles. Huh. Why vote for liberalism light when you can have a real socialist.
How many people voted for Obama that were like, "You know what, I mean, let's just go for it. He's really going to do it." McCain was not a conservative on illegal immigration. McCain was not a conservative on small government, the bailout, capitalism. The only thing he had a record on was earmarks. And America now knows earmarks are ridiculous. Earmarks are a drop in the bucket compared to everything else that's piling up. It was John McCain that lost last night, the values and the principles of Ronald Reagan's Republican party were not rejected because there was no candidate representing them. This election was not about values or social issues. Look at gay adoption. Look at gay marriage. Look at abortion. For the most part the traditional values, anything that was on a ballot that had traditional values at stake, the traditional values stood. Traditional marriage was upheld. Arizona rejected the weakening of its illegal immigration law. Do you remember the crowds that Sarah Palin drew, the enthusiasm that she generated? It took Jimmy Carter to give us Ronald Reagan.
I give the same warning to the Democrats that the Republicans after George Bush in 9/11: Be careful how far you push this pendulum up because if you take this pendulum and try to swing it so far up, the pendulum always swings back. And when it does, it goes back as far, if not farther than you just swung it. That's what gave us Barack Obama. What gave us Barack Obama was the pushing of that pendulum so far, the wrapping of America in the flag and everything else and not really standing for anything. As they push this pendulum up, it's going to swing. Mark my words, Democrats, it will swing just as far the other way. And what I said was the danger after September 11th: You interject hunger and fear; that pendulum can stop and it depends on who's in power that grabs that pendulum. So while you may be happy today about Barack Obama, be careful what you do because we don't want an extremist on either end to grab the pendulum. We've got to bring the pendulum and stop it swinging so far and bring it closer to the center. We are not that different. We are not the country of Nancy Pelosi. We are not the country of Jerry Falwell. We're the country of Ronald Reagan. Remember the Ronald Reagan Democrats. That's who we are.

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